Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Return of the Rebels!?

More than likely not, although Coach Tarantola could have them playing their best ball in more than 15 years. Nothing against Juanita or their new coach, but any school that experiences the kind of success they had in the 80's should consider themselves fortunate. It isn't as if there is a revolving door and everyone gets a turn to be one of the top programs the state has ever seen (or returns to it). Years from now programs such as Bellevue, Skyline, Pasco, etc. may be perrenial bottom feeders. If you're great now, you really shouldn't take it for granted.

That being said, I'm sure that they are going to be just fine. Judging from what I've read about him, I hope he sticks around their for awhile. Good luck, Coach Tarantola.

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