Sunday, December 30, 2007

Buddy's Back!

I don't know when this happened exactly, but Buddy Bland's sabbatical obviously didn't last very long. Without any personal knowledge of the situation, I would venture to guess that he experienced something similar to what Tarbox went through in his last days at Juanita. I can't find a link, but I do remember an article about 10-15 years ago in which Tarbox described some of the expectations of parents and boosters as "out of touch" with the reality of the situation on the field.

To be fair, I don't think anyone should compare Bland with Tarbox in terms of coaching ability. In addition, I also think it would be disingenuous to compare the players Bland had to the ones Tarbox coached. The only legitimate comparison that can probably be made is with the parents and boosters. Only time will tell they were correct in expecting so much out of him. My guess would be they weren't. Issaquah football wasn't very prominent before Bland arrived, and hasn't been since he left.

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